Here are links to pdf files of articles Herb Mills has written over the years. You can download each article individually, or download a zip archive which contains all the articles.
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pp. 1 - 30
The San Francisco Waterfront: The Social Consequences of Industrial Modernization / Part One - The Good Old Days, Urban Life, (Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, Vol. 5, No. 2, July, 1976), pp. 221 - 250. |
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pp. 31 - 61
The San Francisco Waterfront: The Social Consequences of Industrial Modernization / Part Two - The Modern Longshore Operations, Urban Life, (Beverly Hills and London, Sage Publications, Vol. 6, No. 1, April, 1977), pp. 3 - 32. |
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pp. 62 - 117
The San Francisco Waterfront: Labor / Management Relations - On the Ships and Docks / Part One - The Good Old Days, (Berkeley: UC - Institute for the Study of Social Change, 1978), 57 pp. |
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pp. 118 - 181
The San Francisco Waterfront: Labor / Management Relations - On the Ships and Docks / Part Two - Modern Longshore Operations, (Berkeley: UC - Institute for the Study of Social Change, 1978), 65 pp. |
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pp. 182 - 189
San Francisco Examiner -- OP / ED column Other Voices - January 29, 1979, p. 31 and January 30, 1979, p. 25. |
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pp. 190 - 204
. . . excerpts from A Rats-Eye View of History: Story - Telling on the San Francisco Waterfront, The Waterfront Writers -- The Literature of Work, ed. Robert Carson, New York: Harper & Row, 1979, pp. 26 - 38. |
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pp. 205 - 234
The San Francisco Waterfront: The Social Consequences of Industrial Modernization, Case Studies on the Labor Process, Andrew Zimbalist, editor, (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979), pp. 127 - 155. |
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pp. 235 - 242
The Men Along the Shore - photography by Ms. Pat Goudvis. San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle, California Living, Sept. 7, 1980, p. 16 ff. |
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pp. 243 - 260
The San Francisco Waterfront: A Morality Play Moves On, Berkeley: UC - Institute for the Study of Social Change, 1982), 18 pp.* |
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pp. 261 - 290
Contractually Sanctioned Job Action and Workers Control: The Case of San Francisco Longshoremen, with David Wellman, Labor History, (New York: The Tamiment Institute, Spring 1987, Vol. 28. No. 2, ISSN 0023-656x), pp. 266 - 295.** |
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pp. 291 -- 295
Dockers Stop Arms to Pinochet, Social Policy, (New Orleans, La., American Institute for Social Justice and ACORN Institute and the Organizers’ Forum, Summer, 2005, Volume 35, Number 4), pp. 24 - 28. |
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pp. 296 - 319
PRESENTE. A setting out of some of the “dots” this narrative novel connects. And as for the novel itself, see the “forthcoming” entry below. And to explain this entry: the “dots” (i.e, the documents) in question were thus handed out and also then briefly connected by the author of PRESENTE for a session of the 2006 San Francisco Labor Fest hosted by San Francisco’s “Modern Times” bookstore. |
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pp. 320 - 400
The San Francisco Waterfront: The Linguistic Bond of the Dockers - c. the Mid-Sixties -- Their Language of Sea and Ship. |
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pp. 401 - 459
Some visuals of the complexities of conventional longshore work in the Ports of San Francisco Bay - c. 1965 and of the some of the ways container technology had by 1979 “routinized” such work, as it also “atomized” the on-the-job workforce. |
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pp. 460 - 484
The 1971 - 1972 West Coast Longshore Strike: The Strike Demands and Statements of Local 10 - San Francisco . . . and a brief, two-part Addendum. |
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pp. 485 - 501
Responses to the first few papers posted here . . . |
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pp. 502 - 508
In Defense of the Student Movement, New University Thought, (Chicago, Autumn, 1961, volume 2, number ), pp. 8 - 12 . . . As might be supposed, this posting is in response to requests from some of those who had, but also then lost the paper in question. |
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pp. 509-813
The Contract Framework of West Coast Longshoring
Multiple Articles
-- from the 1934 strike and its arbitrated settlement to the container technologies and the strike of 1971 and 1972.
Note: This posting has twenty one entries the titles of which may first be viewed and each of which may also then be brought up by the use of a "guide" or "navigator" file. |
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pp. 814 - 1002
The San Francisco Waterfront: excerpts from Men and Machines.
This was a jointly published employer and union report on the technological changes - both container-rleated and otherwise - which had been realized in the West coast longshore industry to the mid-pint of their first "Modernization and Mechanization Agreement" ("M & M" agreement) -- the summer of 1963. and as they dtailed those changes by text and sidebars and captioned photographs, each party also set out its rationale for those and future such changes and the benefits they thus had come to enjoy or would in the future thereby enjoy.
Note: this posting also has a table of contents to serve as "guide". |
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pp. 1003 - 1035
The San Francisco Waterfront; The Cultural Bond of the Dockers, c. the mid-sixties -- Their Stories of Work and Union.
This is a further posting of the kind of stories about their work and union which, as noted in entry #6 of this website, virtually every San Francisco docker began in 1934 to tell to fellow dockers, family, and others. And indeed, within a year or so from their strike of that year and to the mid-sixties or so, the swapping of such stories was the distinctive cultural bond of their evolving union and community. By the late sixties, however -- and increasing thereafter -- this bond and the dockers linguistic bond (entry #13) had been greatly weakened as the nature of their work and the functioning of their hiring hall were changed by their employers ever expanding use of container technology. |
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pp. 1036 - 1039
Supplement to Men and Machines. A Summary of the New Provisions in the Mechanization and Modernization Agreement. This was a joint publication of the ILGWU and the Pacific Maritime Association with the signing of the second M & M. |
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pp. 1040 - 1106
The San Francisco Waterfront: Other Technological Change on Shore and at Sea in the First Two Decades of "The Container Revolution." With eight separate entries, this posting, too, has a content guide. |
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pp. 1107 - 1116
And for the flavor of gang work as containerization proceeded, here are some on-the-job, handwritten excerpts from a time book and job log which the author kept for a while during the time he was driving forklifts in the hold for a gang. |
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pp. 1117 - 1125
ILWU International Library: Guide to Herb Mills -- Collected Papers. Prepared by Irene Rible and Robin Walker under the supervision of Gene Vrana, ILWU Liberian and Educational Director. |
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The San Francisco Waterfront: The Extension and Defense of the Community |
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Excerpts from Fortune Magazine, September 1937 |
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Excerpts from "Man Along the Shore": The Story of the Vancouver Waterfront -- as Told by Longshoremen themselves
-- by Herb Mills |
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"Keeping Solidarity Alive" - by David Bacon
and three stories from
Solidarity Stories - An Oral History of the ILWU - by Harvey Schwartz |
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"Herb Mills and the struggle to ban deadly asbestos fron the waterfront (1972 - 1978)"
by Harvey Schwartz
ILWU Dispatcher - July / August, 1999 |
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The San Francisco Waterfront: The Copra Dock
-- by Herb Mills |
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The Dispatch Of "Class A" Longshoremen by ILWU Local 13 - Los Angeles / Long Beach as of 9-22-05 |
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Report to the Stewards Council - ILWU Local 10
Some Soviet Union Longshoring
Herb Mills, Secretary-Treasurer |
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Report to the Stewards Council - ILWU Local 10
Some Longshoring In Shanghai
Herb Mills, Secretary-Treasurer |
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The documents which follow are here presented as they appear in the "Appendix" to Mike Quin's The Big Strike as it was reprinted in 1979 by International Publishers, New York. They begin there on p. 239 and end on p. 259. |
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ILWU May Day 2008: Union stops work in all west coast ports to protest Iraq war. |
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Miscellaneous - Facts about the Maritime Stike; The Labor Day Stike that Changed History; Ten Guiding Principals of the ILWU; Excerpts from the Bylaws; Articles on West Coast Containerization |
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* Delivered to the Eighth Annual Conference of the Southwest Labor Studies Association (April 30 - May 1, 1982) and also published in its Southwest Economy and Society, (Altadena, CA; Vol. 6, No. 2 - Fall, 1983), pp. 1 - 14.
** The UC Institute for the Study of Social Change published a shorter version of this jointly-submitted paper under the title Contractually Defensible Job-Action and Worker Control in 1982.
The San Francisco Waterfront: The “Modernization” of Management / Labor Relations On-the-Job and Across-the-Table.
1. On-the-Job Relations in the “Good Old Days."
2. Across-the Table Relations in the “Good Old Days."
3. On-the-Job Relations in “Modern Times."
4 . Across-the-Table Relations in “Modern Times."
5. Staffing the Walking Boss Slot
6. Staffing the On-the-Job Company Superintendent Slot
Excerpts from a History Channel Interview.
The San Francisco Waterfront: The Fashioning of a Union Full-Blown - and the Still On -Going Aftermath
Part One -- Years of Varied Fortune: 1849 - 1934
Part Two -- A New Day Dawns: The 34 Strike and Settlement
Part Three -- To the Heart of the Matter: 1934 -- 1937
Postscript -- Modern Times
A narrative presentation of the routine, day-to-day work of a fictional Local 10 officer and the role which he and others played in the unions December 1980 refusal to load military cargo for the junta of El Salvador, in its effort to halt the execution of Kim Dae-jung, and in the events which led to the Puget Sound murder of two union brothers by paid assassins of Marcos.
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